Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Station Tour - B3 Comms/admin offices/B2 Science lab

Comms, where we keep in touch with radio contact with the outside world.

On the upper level, at the far end of station, just across from the gym and the conference rooms is the Comms room tracks planes and helps USAP planes land during the summer. However, our runway is an uncontrolled air space so technically any plane can show up and land at any time. There are a few tourists flights each year. I assume Comms tries to prevent unannounced landings. During the winter, we don't have anyone in there all the time and windows are closed up because there are no planes in or out. When winter finishes up, we'll have some volunteers step in to handle those duties.

Admin offices and some South Pole artifacts.

Beside Comms, we have a long hallway of small private offices for the important folks. During the winter, only one office is used. During the summer, 5-6 are. Around the corner from there, is the standard room of office supplies that every office building ever has with printers, pens, etc. We call ours Kinko'.


The facilities bullpen

Next to Kinko's are more offices for the Facilities department and a bullpen for their drop in folks. The bullpen room is filled with technical drawings, CDs with more technical drawings, and a plotter. That plotter has brought a lot of joy to station as we use it pretty up the cardboard that is covering up all the windows.

B2 Science

About a third of the way down the hall is a huge science room. Its filled with computers, instrumentation, a small lab, and lots of other stuff that I can't identify. For the most part, they scientists take of their own needs. I have spent a little bit of time upstairs there so that I could learn to turn on the LIDAR (bright green laser) in case of a missing persons event. Think of 'the light' calling the bugs in Wreck-It Ralph. This covers about 25% of station so far.

B2 Science

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