Last Sunday, we had our Half Done Run. It has had many names over the years including the Midwinter run and the Frozen 4K. It is actually only about 2k (1.3 miles), but Frozen 4K has more flare. The year it earned than name, it is rumored they ran in Condition 2 weather and had 30 cases of frost nip or bite. I'm sure medical was appreciative for the extra unsolicited business.
This year we had 35 participants. The weather started out around -17F with a -38F wind chill. We all huddled inside in the big gym to stay warm. About two minutes before start time, we finally went outside. The race got underway and I tucked in behind someone tall to let them block the wind and just followed them as far as I could. I got lucky because Bodie led for 70% of the race. At some point, he got tired and I had to fend for myself in the wind. Not fun. Andy and I kept on trucking and he pulled into the lead.
*warning - long winded personal musings ahead*
This is where things got interesting for me. Near the end, Andy was only about fifteen feet ahead at the road that leads down to the transition. We had about 100 feet to the turn and then 75 yards to the finish. I felt pretty sure I could catch him by the turn and at least have a chance at beating him in the final sprint. As I was realizing this, I also thought that this was the first time I had run hard outside since spraining my ankle and that I might end up reinjuring it by pushing too hard. I always push. I'm too competitive to not go for it all. That is the only reason I succeeded in ultimate. I certainly didn't have the skill or athleticism of most of my teammates. I just wanted it more, pushed harder, and chose to deal with the consequences later. I didn't go for it. I eased off just enough to make sure that I wouldn't let my competitive side get a hold of me and force me into a sprint. Andy was running well and I finished five seconds behind him at 9:24.
I'm happy with my decision, but it was weird for me to not choose to go for it. I don't think my competitive drive is gone. I just might be getting a little wiser and realizing this body has to last me a few more years before I turn it back into dust. Would I have won? I have no idea and it really doesn't matter. Not giving it my all is the part that is making the rounds in my brain.
By the time I finished the race and got back to my room, it was down to -30F and a -66F wind chill. Due to the weather, we ended up with at least five cases of frost nip or bite. However, in each of those cases I don't think they had full skin coverage. No matter how it happened, I'm glad I wasn't one of them. I had run outside in the week leading up to the race to make sure I had the right gear. I ended up settling on thin wool socks, shoes with the toe vent blocked by a toe warmer, under armour tights, wind pants, under armour top, capilene top, fleece jacket, balaclava, goggles, and mittens with hand warmers.
Hey Will, I think you are finally starting to mature. You are right, you have many years ahead of you and you only get one body. It may not be as much fun but it might be smarter in the long run.